
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Why the Meek Really Are Winners

Did you ever wonder why it is that the meek should inherit the earth instead of the warriors and fighters.

It is pretty simple. The meek understand something that rest of the world does not. They understand that while they personally have no power to reach a goal or gain any inheritance, that the God of creation has power to give the whole world to those who trust in His power and not their own.

Since meekness offers such success, joining the ranks of the meek is a worthwhile goal. Becoming meek in the Lord is a process.

It begins with:

Thanksgiving - Thanksgiving is a way of life, not a moment spent thanking God for the food on the table, or a quick 'thank you' when you avoid some disaster. As you go through your daily life, you consider God's benefits continually, and thank Him for them.

Thanksgiving leads to humility.

Humility - In humility you begin to understand that all your blessings and possessions were gifts from God. You begin to understand that no matter how hard you work, or how much effort you put into something, that it was God that gave you the increase.

Without God's blessings you can:
work your fingers to the bone,
do all the right things at the right time,
know all the right people, and
be in the right place at the right time,
but you are still doomed to failure. It is God alone who can grant you success and favor in whatever you do. Without His blessings, you will fail.

Thanksgiving and humility leads to repentance.

Repentance. As humility grows, you begin to see yourself in a whole different light. The things in your life that separate you from God become more apparent. You become more thankful that God loves you unconditionally. Your soul begins to long to draw closer to God. You become willing to get rid of the sin in your life. That means you want to get rid of the things that bother God.

Thankfulness, humility, and repentance lead to MEEKNESS.

Meekness. Meekness is reliance on God instead of yourself.

A mighty man of God was Moses; yet Moses was meekest of all men. Now how can that be? Simple. Moses, a former prince of Egypt, came to understand that through God working in him, he could accomplish more than all the mighty armies of Egypt. That is the meekness that we should seek. It leads us to understand that 'I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me'. (Philippians 4:13)

So, meekness does not mean 'I am a door mat. Come stomp on me!' It means that you have begun to understand that your success in any endeavor is not based on YOUR own abilities. Remember that Moses had plenty of natural abilities and talents. Yet, he set those aside in favor of reliance on the Lord.

Moses did spend 40 years in the wilderness caring for sheep between the time he rejected the power of Egypt and chose instead to be counted with the people of God. Like Moses, we may grasp the concept of meekness, but be slow to be able to fully implement meekness as a way of life. That means we should all get started working on fully relying on God instead of ourselves right away.

Right now, are you on the path to meekness; or, are you still trying to do all things through your own ability, wealth, or authority? Or have you set these things aside and chosen to rely on the ability, wealth, and authority of God Almighty?

No matter how great your personal talents and power, the arm of flesh will eventually fail you. If you were even greater than Alexander the Great, you would still eventually meet his fate. You would die, and your kingdom and possessions would be given to another mortal.

The inheritance God has for the meek is eternal. Reliance on God instead of your self is the path to success.

Monday, January 12, 2009

How do YOU define racism?

Entertainer Bill Cosby has commended the Obama's for being examples of parenting and family values that he personally has challenged black American to strengthen.

Then Cosby took a crack at Fox News commentator Sean Hannity.

He said, 'I'm not worried about white people. Hannity - I'm not worried what he says. Cosby said, 'I'm not worried about any racist people who bring it up.' (Cosby's comments in the past that were called racist).

NOW, my question is how is Cosby defining racism? On what grounds did he call Hannity a racist? Why did he feel it necessaray to condemn all white people as racist with the 'I'm not worried about white people' remark?

According to the traditional definition of racism - racism is labeling people as superior or inferior based on skin color, or ethnic origin.

Mutural respect between people of skin color, religion, and ethnic origin is required before anyone can have a meaningful relationship, constructive debate, or problem solving dialog.

Mutual respect does not allow anyone to lightly throw around the word 'racist'. That is - IF 'racist' or 'racism' still have the traditional definition.

Today it seems 'racism' means 'You don't agree with me! Waa! Sob! Boohoo!'

It appears that someone who is not winning an argument throws the word 'racist' at the nearest target.

In truth, racism, as understood by its traditional definition, is something hideous and evil. It puts a separation between the people of the earth that is not scriptural.

According to the Bible people, regardless of all skin color and ethnic origins, are divided by only a few things.

Male or Female
Jew or Genitle
Saved or Lost

There is no superiority or inferiority given to the first two. The third one (saved or lost) is the only division over which people have any choice. It is better to spend time thanking God for salvation and praying for the lost than to than to spend time calling people names like 'racist'.

The Bible says 'For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God'. That includes males and females, Jews and Gentiles.

Eventually, the divisions of mankind will be narrowed down to just 'saved or lost'

Those who have accepted the salvation offered by the Messiah Jesus Christ are saved. (The Old Testament saints were saved by faith in the promised Messiah , although He was not yet born.)

Those who rejected the offer of eternal salvation made by Jesus, the Christ, the only begotten son of God, will spend eternity completely separated from the love of God in a place called Hell.

This is the division of mankind that is important.
This is the division of mankind that can be changed by every individual who wants to change his or her eternal destination. It can be changed through the death, burial, and resurection of Jesus Christ at Calvary. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.'

Think about it.

Barbara Henderson

For authographed copies of my book 'The Broad Way' visit my web page.