
Oh Worship the King - Barbara Henderson Books

Kindle edition available for $2.99

I began to wonder what people thought who actually knew Jesus Christ.  And then I wondered about people who met Him when He lived in Bethlehem as a baby.  Did the shepherds get to hold Jesus in their arms?  Did they know they were holding the God of creation in their arms?

I kept on wondering about it until I began to imagine exactly who might have known Him, and how He affected their lives.
And then I began to make up characters like Joel, who first Jesus when he visited Bethlehem with the magi.  Of course my imagination led him to return again thirty years later for the rest of the story......

But then the question became 'how to get their story from their time to our time?  After some time considering this, I realized that people write down important events.  This is actually a way to put something to rest when it is troubling you. If you write it down you give your brain permission to forget it.  After all, if you ever need to remember it again all you have to do is go back and read what you wrote.  Of course in this case, people would have simply wanted a record of what happened in order to pass it on to future generations.  This wouldn't be God-breathed scripture like the Bible.  It would just be someone with a story to tell who actually wrote down important events about that pivotal point in time.

Then I began to consider how it would make it from 33 AD to the twenty-first century.  And that is when Elizabeth Newton entered my imagination.  On an archeological dig in Iraq the manuscript is uncovered.  And the story sort of wrote itself from that point.

I hope you enjoy reading 'Oh Worship the King' as much as I enjoyed writing it.  Please leave kind reviews on Amazon.  
Thank you - Barbara Henderson

Other books by Barbara Henderson 

 Everyday Prepping for Beginners encourages readers to prepare for the future mentally and physically.  The first chapters deal with self-definition, self-discipline, and self-reliance.  The rest of the book deals with simple steps to have a life that is better prepared during normal times, and suggestions to help when things are not going well. Subjects include a working pantry, plans in case you have to be out of your home for a few days, or plans in case you are stuck in your home for a few days.  Things like camping out, building a fire, life on a primitive farm, recipes for easy meals are also included.  It is definitely written from a Christian World View.   $2.99

Soul Wars Trilogy - Book One - 'Walking' 
Mal (Malachi) Jones and his sister Ann were raised in a home without religion.  Their dad didn't believe in anything, and their mom believed you only had to be good to get to heaven.  Mal becomes a Christian, and Ann meets her spirit guides through on Ouija board.  Angels are not the focus of the book.  There are present in the book just like they are present in our lives. They are involved in the war for the soul of every individual.  In this book Mal finds him self  'Choosing' the his way of life.  $.99 - just 99 cents. 

 Soul Wars Trilogy - Book Two - 'Walking' - begins five years after 'Choosing'.  Mal is 'Walking' the narrow way.  Family problems abound between Mal and his family.  When tragedy strikes Mal realizes he has failed in a major part of his Christian walk. The war for the souls of his family continues.

 Soul Wars Trilogy - Book Three - 'Staying the Course'
will be available in May of 2013.

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