Friday, April 24, 2009

Secret Societies Within the Church

This is the transcipt from the second in my series on secret societies produced by Ray Gano for PZ Radio.
Barbara Henderson

Secret societies – part 2

Last time on PZ radio I began a series on secret societies. I presented the idea that it is not a question of IF there are secret societies, but that there MUST be secret societies. This week I want to cover secret societies that are pretty close to home. That is secret societies in the church.

Remember that a secret society usually operates within an open society that has open goals or an open purpose that anyone can know about. The secret sect of an open society often has entirely different goals or purpose than is openly acknowledged. The members of the secret society have main goals that are different than the openly stated goals. The members use their influence to bring about changes that fulfill their goals. They work within the open society as long as it works for their secret agenda. They work to change the actions of the open society in order to make their secret agenda more easily achieved.

The goal of the secret societies in general that we talked about last week is ultimate global control of government, society, and religion. Now, in the process of gaining control of every aspect of life, certain institutions must be torn down. These institutions include family and church.

For this broadcast, I want to talk about secret societies in the church. Churches whose foundation is on Jesus Christ and His word are constant targets for attacks through secret societies. There are secret societies in most if not all churches. These societies are in every stage of development from just beginning grumblers, to small groups of grumblers banded together. When they are strong, they proceed to open rebellion against church leadership and sound theology. The difference in church secret societies and globalist secret societies is they are probably not formally connected to globalist secret societies.

Secret societies in churches are made of members who are already in rebellion against God because of something in their personal lives. They want to find a way to make their own sins acceptable. They feel changing what the church teaches, or at least changing church leadership and preachers will make acceptance of their own secret deviant behavior more likely.

Churches today make it easier for deviant doctrine and scriptural error to creep in. This is because of ideas like age segregation is necessary, that people must be entertained, and that someone is suddenly qualified for a teaching or leadership position just because they have volunteered or fit a particular demographic. After all, those teenage church members need an age appropriate dynamic leader. It doesn’t matter if the leader has any background in sound doctrine or theology - if his or her heart is just in the right place. Wrong thinking says, ‘It will all work out in the end.’ Of course it doesn’t work out for the good of anyone.

The bigger the church, the more impossible it becomes to monitor all these groups, concerning the doctrine and theology that is being taught, and the moral behavior of those in positions of authority.

I recently heard of a mega church that had teachers teaching speaking in tongues as acceptable and even good. Now, whatever you thoughts on that subject, this particular church doctrine did NOT accept tongues as anything except the devils’ confusion. The preacher didn’t even know what was going on. People in the church DID know that speaking in tongues is not acceptable to that denomination and they chose to dismiss it as unimportant, or even cover it up.

Then, there was the church whose praise band was making a little extra money doing gigs in honky tonks. The deacons found out. Instead of bringing it to the attention of the church, they decided to slip out and go to the honky-tonks themselves in order to ‘support’ the praise band’s efforts to make a little money while they were evangelizing to a group that wouldn’t otherwise go to church and hear the Gospel. What a joke. That church split down the middle.

A secret society within a church can be partially defined as a group of people who are dissatisfied with something in the church, who have informally banded together, and prefer to ‘discuss’ the matter among themselves rather than take the problem(s) to the church and try to resolve them.

In John 18:20 Jesus said, ‘ I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing. ‘

A church that is without large secret societies at the moment undoubtedly has ‘sleeper cells’. It has members who are dissatisfied with something, and are just waiting for likeminded members to join the church or for current members to become dissatisfied.

These grumblers are apostate in their thinking. They have heard the truth of Jesus Christ, but they want to ‘tweak’ it a little bit, make it more accessible to the masses, and change who is in charge. At some point, they have made a deviation from the narrow way to a path that closely resembles the narrow way at its beginning, but is just a ‘little bit’ broader.

The grumblers probably have a ring leader whose intentions may or may not have been evil from the very beginning. It may be a church member who is nursing hurt feelings about something, or unholy desires, and is just looking for a way to vent his or her frustrations. The grumblers will also include some easily led followers who were also looking for a way out of the narrow way taught by Jesus. They are apostates, having heard the truth, and found it dissatisfying or unacceptable in some way.

The attitudes of apostates you find in church secret societies are:
Disloyalty – they are NOT loyal to the teachings of Jesus Christ above all else.
Insubordinate and defiant – they reject church authority and Biblical authority – preferring instead to do what their shifting loyalties want to do.
Irreverent, flippant about the things of Christ, and even mocking to those who do not agree with them – believing that a worship service should please church members and draw crowds instead of pleasing God. That is where you get hard rock music in a supposed church.

Immoral, dishonest and even completely corrupt – they have turned from God for something they prefer above pleasing God. It may be a little deviation to begin with, but it will become a big deviation from Biblical truth before they are finished. Face it, Even among Jesus disciples there was Judas. He was the sleeper cell member. The other eleven didn’t have a clue.

That is the type people who make up the secret societies in churches. Flatly – they are not easily spotted or rooted out until they just seem to appear out of nowhere and destroy a church. They may not even know exactly where they are going themselves in the beginning. They just know they are in rebellion against something, and they want others to join them in their dissatisfaction.

The antidote for secret societies within the church begins with more knowledge for every believer. Church members who are sincerely working on obtaining a Christian zeal according to knowledge will not be easily led astray by dissatisfied church members looking for people to follow them in their rebellion. It is the lazy Christian who has zeal, but has remained ignorant and without knowledge of what Christ actually teaches, that will become a member of the church secret society led by a type of Judas.

Remember, Your ability to combat the secret societies within the church and the globalist secret societies is through Jesus Christ, the institutions of family and church, and personal Bible study.

In the next PZ radio broadcast I will be speaking on free masonry – and its beginnings and goals.

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